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Max and Margarita traveled all over from cloudy London to Mykonos, Greece, to their loving blue, like the one they have never seen before. A destination wedding in Mykonos, did not require any specific theme since that cosmopolitan Aegean island provides an oasis of unparalleled genuine raw beauty. But loving him was coral red. DeplanV Wedding Planner, with an exquisite aim, organized a spectacular wedding setting in Mykonos town. Coral red and blue flowers embroidered the church, as well as the bridal bouquet of Margarita. Velvet rose dresses attired the bridesmaids, who clothed her dear company as she has dreamt of. Freshly collected
rose petals rained the couple which has just exchanged vows of eternal love. After the beachfront wedding ceremony, a lavish yet elegant, still stylish decorated wedding venue, welcomed their beloved friends and family to overwhelm with joy and bliss that special day. Crystal glasses and ivory candles sweetly contrasted the tabled red velvet flora. But celebrating with them was sparkly red. Handy fireworks powdered the atmosphere of their miniature natural heaven which leaded them to one of the most paramount nights to date. But capturing those moments, as their Destination Wedding Photographer in Mykonos, was rather a great honor. But Max marrying Margarita was rather coral red and sea blue.

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